(This is an image I made almost ten years ago, outside Hangzhou, PRC, in Zhejiang Province, west of Shanghai, at a wonderful temple called Lingyin Si, set next to Xi Hu, or West Lake, one of the most beautiful spots in China. This is a Chan temple established in 328 CE, a century before Bodhidharma. The hill in front of the temple is limestone and contains dozens of caves with intricately carved images, hand-rubbed to a fine sheen over centuries. The hill is named Feilai Feng, or “the peak that flew hither”. The belief is that this hill flew to China from India. Do hills fly?)
What does this little vignette have to do with this post? Nothing. Welcome to O’Keeffe Woodworks.
Thanks to all of you who re-subscribed to this blog. I appreciate your interest and I promise to avoid wasting your time.
This is a non-commercial endeavor. My goals are simple: To have a place to practice the craft and, more importantly, to create a sense of community, a virtual salon for those who read, write and enjoy discussing with others. About pretty much any topic, so long as it is interesting.
Toward that last goal, I heartily invite you to make comments and more, to submit pieces you’d enjoy sharing with others. A vigorous dialog among varied voices would be a welcome outcome.
Topically, this blog is as unfocused as my monkey brain. I am equally maladroit with fiction, poetry, polemic, social commentary, arts reviews and humor. So I invite your submissions!
I have a couple things in process that you may see soon.
Thanks again and welcome.
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