Geoff Shoun O’Keeffe is Sandy’s husband, Ian, Athena, and Megan’s Dad, Loretta’s, Leo’s and Bea’s Popo, a native of the far west, an outdoor industry veteran, an occasional world traveler, a lover of China, a clumsy writer and an amateur photographer.
Shoun is a student of Gerry Shishin Wick, Roshi, and Paul Gyodo Agostinelli, Sensei in the White Plum / Sanbo Kyodan lineage of Zen Buddhism.
He lives with Sandy at 7,120 feet in the Front Range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains on five acres of bark-beetle-infested south-facing ridgeline.
He is learning to write, along with trying to fully do one thing at a time.
He also does not play guitar or piano very well.