The horror grows, with news breaking of jails for ten-year-olds and babies, “tender age” jails.
“They are nice” they say.
Jailers admit many children will likely never be reunited with their families.
They just haven’t the resources or technology.
Supporters snarl, “But Obama.”
My grief and anger grow like a distraught friend in my house, pacing and raging, unable to rest, with a constricted face and clenched fists, crying.
I say, “Come sit beside me. You will be okay.”
And, “I’ll just be here, as still as possible, breathing.
I can hold your hand if you’d like.
There’s nothing you need to do.
You are not alone.
I’ll stay as long as you want.”
And then we just sit there.
-Geoff Shōun O’Keeffe 20:VI:18
I urge people to join 1 of the rally’s held on June 30th across the county. Link to look up your zip below. Let’s plan a rally for OR gathering as well!