I dream in Zoom.
I Zoom in dreams.
An idea I want to share stirs me at midnight and
I awaken.
I raise my
electronic hand and
unmute myself
before speaking.
I lose track of what’s been said
because I was
perusing someone’s
I confess to making my
rectangle larger in order
to check my hair or to
look for boogers.
“Where did she go?”
I panic and
count the windows
Sharing from my heart,
eyes closed, tears falling,
a deep connection with fifteen images.
I look down and see the microphone icon with a
slash through it.
I dream in Zoom and I
awoke from a sound sleep
to write this down
certain a spider was biting my hand.
It’s getting colder outside and they
might be coming in to warm
themselves by the
light of my screen.
I Zoom in dreams.
-Geoff Shōun O’Keeffe
Well done